Fire and EMS


Emergency Medical Services are provided in Hurt and the surrounding community by Pittsylvania County Public Safety which operates out of the Hurt Vounteer Fire Dept.

EMS crews are on call 24/7/365. We recognize and appreciate their service to our community.


Hurt and the surrounding communities are served by a dedicated and competent team of volunteer firefighters. They play an indispensable role in protecting our lives, health, homes, and more. We deeply appreciate each member of the Hurt Volunteer Fire Department for the sacrifices they make and the risks they assume, and we commend them all for their service.

  Deputy Chief Jason Colbert and Chief Eric Colbert, at their swearing-in ceremony on January 28, 2017.  (Photo courtesy of Ron Rowland).
Above: Deputy Chief Jason Colbert and Chief Eric Colbert, at their swearing-in ceremony on January 28, 2017. (Photo courtesy of Ron Rowland).

  Mike Moorefield.
Front Row, L to R: Fire Lieutenant Matt Taylor, Captain Larry Morris, Deputy Chief Jason Colbert, Chief Eric Colbert, Captain Bryan Daniel, Lieutenant Matt Colbert, Jason Lovelace. Back Row, L to R:  Cory Dunn, Sam Clay, Thomas Page, Matt Lukin, Dylan Leach, Richard Gregory, Sidney Shelton, Ed Hodges, Ian Hall, Joe Simpson, Jessie Dalton, Jakob Dalton. Behind camera: Mike Moorefield.